Welcome to St John’s Anglican Church

St John’s is an Anglican Church that practices generous orthodoxy. We seek to worship and follow Jesus Christ and His call to live a life of forgiveness, freedom, and grace. We strive to equip our members with critical thinking from a biblical perspective so we can show others what God is doing in His world and help people face the difficult challenges living in today’s secular culture 

A Great Place for Queens’ and St. Lawrence Students


Christmas Eve Service: 4:00 pm Family service with candle light

Christmas Day:  9:00 am Service

Sunday after Christmas:    10:00 am service

Epiphany Jan. 5:     9:00 & 10:30 services

We Worship every Sunday

9:00 am Traditional said service with choir and organ led music

10:30 am Contemporary service with music leaders and Sunday School

Sunday School 10:00 am 

St John’s Anglican Church 41 Church Street, Kingston, ON. K7M 1H2



My assumption is that the faithful, the serious but perfectly “ordinary” Christian to whom I write, does not want to be particularly “pious” or “devout” or even vaguely “good”: they want to be “efficient”.

-Martin Thornton